Monday, January 18, 2010

the deck is on

For those interested i forgot to post a photo of the completed deck. So here it is. I was quietly impressed by the grain in the wood and the final shape of the fish. Now to get the bottom skin on. Had a slight blow out on the rails as i add too much weight to the skin when glueing it, but will be able to repair it so hopefully wont show at the completion

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  1. Hi Scott, Been following your blog as im making a wooden board as well, interested to see your deck and bottom is a one piece, looks a lot easier than strips of wood, what kind of wood are you using for this? Regards- Karl

  2. Hi Karl,
    Its a piece of 4mm Marine plywood. Its easy to work with and a cheap material for my first board. Can get some nice grain too if you choose carefully. I also used this for the internal ribs. Grant Newby gave us the idea, check his blog for more ideas
    Glad you are enjoying the journey with us.

  3. Great, thanks for the heads up mate!
